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Sept. 7, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – September 7, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Richard Bisk and along with alternate member Ann Neuburg. Rud Mason was absent.
Bruce Jacobson was in to finalize site plan review for the Guterman International business going into the building behind the brick (museum) building. It is a racquet sport equipment retailer with a fulfillment operation, for online orders. Peter Guterman was present. His business has most recently been located at Paxton Tennis & Fitness. Tom D. asked about replacing the chain link along the frontage with foliage, suggesting using ornamentals that aren’t too tall, to avoid utilitiy lines. Bruce presented a schematic/drawing of trees and shrubs planted on the street side of the current fence. It appeared to be in the road right-of-way and the board didn’t want to approve privately owned site work and planting on town land. Tom suggested to hold off until BOS, as the landowner, rules on the issue. Tom offered to follow up with letter to BOS.
Board then considered site plan for Guterman Int’l and noted no changes to exterior of property, parking, drainage, lighting, etc. Voted all in favor to approve site plan for Guterman and have review written up for next meeting.
7:55 PM  Atty. Earl Duval came in for Verizon with engineer John McNeal. They explained that Verizon would be the third carrier on the Houghton Road cell tower, installing antennae inside existing shroud. John M. reminded the applicants that although FCC regulations allow communications equipment installations, those projects do not preclude local bylaws that control site work. Local zoning encourages co-locations on existing towers. Blueprints, schematics and plans were distributed to board members. The applicants will forward application and payment of $400. and if received by Sept. 13, the public hearing could be scheduled for Oct. 5, otherwise it would be Oct. 19.
Board asked for proof that construction bond is still in effect from Crown Castle and a report is available from a sound engineer. Marie will forward the application for a S.P. Modification to Atty. Duval.
8:40 PM  Atty. John Flick came in for NEADS on Route 140. They are expanding the dog runs on one side of a kennel, extending the building 7’ into the side-lot line for about 50’ along the length of the building. The board saw no issues regarding site plans, and are choosing to notify abutters as a courtesy for site plan review. However, the proposal is not possible without a side-lot variance from the ZBA. It was suggested that a strip along the lot line could be purchased from the abutter, but Princeton houselots along that stretch of road are already non-conforming at just under one acre.
9 PM  David Krashes had previously submitted Form A and plans for ANR lot on Rhodes Road, creating a 50’ corridor to the rear portion of his larger lot to the north – the plan labeled it “not a building lot.” The board voted all in favor to endorse the plan and received a check for $100. Signed Mylar for applicant to take to registry and three copies of plan with Form A for town records.
        Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Aug. 10, 2016. Rich B. agreed to attend the CMRPC meeting on Thursday. Tom D. agreed to postpone discussion on signage and BandB issues to another meeting. Marie will check for availability of Rud, Rich & Tom D. for Sept. 21 when Tom S. and John M. will be recused on a Fieldstone Farm issue.
9:15 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Form A and plans for ANR submission; zoning and town bylaws; Plans and schematics from Verizon for cell tower re-location; site plans from 194 Worcester Road and from NEADS.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department